Writing a book could be one of your most intelligent decisions if you're looking to develop a branded business or enhance your professional practice. A quick search online about book marketing will show you how this can generate publicity for you and, potentially, your business. Books are powerful tools for brand building, primarily due to the launch publicity they generate. As the author, you'll be featured in interviews and articles, elevating your profile significantly. Published authors are often viewed as thought leaders within their industries, granting them significant and lasting credibility. 

When writing your book, focus on a nonfiction genre like self-help, lifestyle, personal finance, or business—whichever aligns best with your expertise and business. This expertise is a vital asset that supports your book and enhances your visibility and credibility, particularly when it comes to gaining press coverage. If you've attempted to secure media attention for your business, you know how challenging it can be. However, with a newly published book that provides valuable and engaging insights, your chances of earning media coverage improve, as the authors are credible experts. 

Choose a book topic strategically to engage an audience that complements your business. Avoid being overly promotional; let readers and journalists make organic connections between you, your book, and your business. This path can open doors to speaking engagements and presentations, leading to new professional connections and potential clients. Whenever you engage with others about your expertise, you create opportunities for new business relationships. Most press articles will mention your name, title, and business, naturally and persuasively promoting those connections further. 

As you work on your manuscript, start crafting your marketing strategy—it's never too soon to begin. This plan can influence your book's content and the specific topics you choose to highlight. It's better to be bold and newsworthy than to avoid stating your viewpoints. A little controversy can benefit your book, and when backed with strong reasoning, opposing views to conventional wisdom can be effective. Your book must present a unique perspective since the nonfiction market is saturated with thousands of titles. Readers are more likely to purchase a book when they perceive genuine value.